Attention bird lovers: join the High Peaks Birders for a fun evening bird stroll at Cane River Park, 258 Whittington Road, Burnsville!
You are invited to observe nesting and post nesting birds at Cane River Park on Friday evening, July 15, at 6:00 PM. Many birds are currently inhabiting the area and a variety of species should be using the river and small wetlands, trees along the river levee, brushy areas, and ball field of the park. Hopefully, there will be lots of juvenile birds by now as well. Beginning birders are welcome. We plan to stay for a couple of hours, and you may come and go as you wish.
During the stroll, we request that you have a mask at the ready and wear it either full time, or when you get close to one or more people to get a better view of a bird. We are not asking people to reveal vaccination status, but we still all need to remember that we could be asymptomatically infected, and thus could easily transmit the new, more transmissible COVID variants.
We will meet in the large lot near the outbuildings behind the baseball field. Please check the High Peaks website,, or Facebook page for last-minute changes due to weather. You may also contact the Walk Leader, Russ Oates, at if you have questions.
We hope to see you at Cane River Park!
Conserve wild things, protect wild places.