Join the NC High Peaks Trail Association for a strenuous loop hike around the tallest mountain in the Eastern U.S. - Mt. Mitchell - on Friday, Aug. 9.

This challenging, 6-mile outing includes some steep sections with fixed ropes to help hikers go down rock faces. The footing is very rough and if wet can be extremely slick, so this hike is only for experienced, fit hikers.

Meet at the lower summit parking lot near the picnic area at Mt. Mitchell at 8:30 a.m. Bring lunch, water, snacks, rain gear if the forecast warrants and hiking poles if you use them. Leashed dogs are allowed on the hike but come prepared to clean up after your pet.

The hike should take 4 to 6 hours and participants may want to have lunch at the Mt. Mitchell restaurant after the hike.

For more information, contact Hike Leader Jimmie Bowen at or 252-450-5224. As a courtesy please let him know if you plan to join the group.

Crest view